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Smart meters for energy suppliers: Lemonbeat partners with NET2GRID

Dortmund, 24 April 2018. Dortmund-based company Lemonbeat GmbH, which specialises in technologies for the Internet of Things, has partnered with Dutch energy data expert NET2GRID BV to develop a white-label smart metering solution.

The complete solution for energy suppliers is comprised of a digital energy meter with integrated wireless technology based on the LB LoRa and LB Radio standards. The solution is equipped with long-range LoRa technology, allowing energy suppliers to read meters at a distance – from a vehicle passing by the property, for example. The robust Lemonbeat technology delivers fast data rates to provide real-time consumption data for end customers whenever they need it. For this purpose, data is transferred from the energy meter to the NET2GRID platform via a small local gateway. On the platform, the data is analysed and converted to an appealing dashboard for customers providing real insight in their energy consumption and actionable control in an engaging app that is easy for end customers to understand.

“Our complete solution generates real added value for energy suppliers in two ways”,

remarks Oliver van der Mond, Managing Director of Lemonbeat GmbH. “On the one hand, our cost-saving technology makes it easy for suppliers to read meters remotely. This technology is combined with expertly processed and visualised consumption data that allows customers to keep track of every detail of their energy use”. NET2GRID Managing Director Bert Lutje Berenbroek continues:

“We’re glad to have found a reliable technology partner in Lemonbeat. With Lemonbeat, we are able to use our artificial intelligence software and produce the best tools to help end customers to get grip on their energy costs, without needing to fit complex measuring devices in the customer’s home.

The first joint project of the partnership is scheduled for completion in autumn 2018.

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